
Shipping: Free Shipping in USA, UK, Australia, Canada & World Wide.

Frequently asked questions

You can easily track your order on the Order Track page.

It depends on the country but the shipment is fast as we use FedEx, DHL, and UPS for our shipments. After shipment, it usually takes 5-10 business days but sometimes it may take 20 business days for the order to be delivered. It depends on what you have ordered.

If tracking is already provided, you can keep checking of the order status by visiting Track-order Page. Enter your order ID and Billing E-mail to know about your order. The tracking link will send you in providing current information about the order status. In case your delivery date has crossed and the order is not received please inform us at

Your payment may refuse if you provide an incorrect billing address, or phone number if your credit/debit card has expired if its limit is reached, or if your PayPal account is out of funds. We recommend you make the payment after sorting out all the issues